10 activities you can do while volunteering in the jungle

Daily volunteer life at Crees is generally nothing like back at home – regular activities can range from an excursion by boat to a nearby local community, assisting with wildlife surveys out in the field, learning about animal species, tending to the bio-garden and practicing your Spanish (or an other languages you speak) with staff […]
Reviving Hope: The Transformative Power of Regenerative Practices in Peru’s Rainforest

All Hope is Not Lost – The Power of a Regenerating Rainforest By Gregory Palmerino I sit here, under my mosquito net, the tapping of my keyboard merging with the symphony of cicadas singing, rain pattering, and birds twittering. Every few minutes Gavina, our local three toed sloth, wails in the distance—a sound I had […]
20 Years of Crees: A Celebration of a Regenerating Rainforest Site!

Wow what a journey it has been up to this point, from humble beginnings in 2003 as a blank canvas after environmentally destructive ranching and logging activities!
To construct the biological research station of the Manu Learning Centre from the ground up and enable the regeneration of a devastated area into a safe space for flora and fauna to call home once more within the Manu Biosphere Reserve buffer zone!
Jewel of the Amazon: the mythical Harpy Eagle (Harpia Harpyja)

Daniel Ash – Multimedia Programme Coordinator We locked eyes across the gap in the hot, humid canopy of the rainforest. Even at a distance, I could feel the power in this mighty bird’s eyes. I have waited many years for this moment; finally, it has come to fruition… Our team arrived by Peque-Peque (a small […]
Romero! A Fresh Expedition into the Heart of Nature

Step into an unexplored world of wonder and connection. Written by Maxime Chauveau, Volunteer at Experiential Learning Programme How can I tell you about this adventure? Hmmm… Going to a primary forest, getting caught in a tropical storm, seeing trees so high that you can’t see the canopy, so wide that it would take 20-30 […]
Advice from the Amazon: A Conservation Intern’s Story

Interns talking to Interns by Mackenzie McDermott Media Intern Mackenzie McDermott talks to Ciara Morton, Conservation Intern about how her passion for conservation started and where she goes from here……… Before Ciara Morton could so much as spell biodiversity she was out in the wilderness searching for species. Growing up in Glasgow, Scotland, Morton’s “hippy” […]
From Crees Volunteer to Senior Field Staff – a journey working in Conservation with Crees

What is it like to be part of the Crees field staff team? Brandon Burgess one of our latest Multimedia Interns asks the questions and finds out! Luke Stahl is a hands-on field staff who is not afraid to get close to venomous snakes, biting caymans, and stinging wasps. He is currently a conservation staff […]
Daily excerpts from Peter Lowe, a Crees volunteer

Diary excerpts from life as a Crees Volunteer, Peter Lowe recounts his time with us at the Manu Learning Centre Greetings from the Amazon, nothing could have prepared me for the view from Mirador ten minutes trek from base camp with the snow capped peaks of the Andes in the far distance, it was jaw […]
Counting Butterflies Flutter by Amy Freeman

Counting butterflies flutter By Amy Freeman From a young age butterflies have fascinated me. The way they seem to gracefully dance across the sky, uncatchable. One wing beat they blare colours so bright the rainbow is envious, the next beat they’re invisible. How something so fragile could survive, and do it so well in our […]
Your Amazonian Adventure Awaits: Discover the Volunteer Experience (Photo Story)

A photographic journey capturing the first week in the Peru’s remote rainforest, by Olivia Cable-Barber our media intern. Santiago steering a river-boat full of new volunteers to the Manu Learning Centre nature reserve: Image by Olivia Cable-Barber Jungle creatures and unforgettable moments await on your journey through the Manu Rainforest of south-eastern Peru. You jump […]