Daily volunteer life at Crees is generally nothing like back at home - regular activities can range from an excursion by boat to a nearby local community, assisting with wildlife surveys out in the field, learning about animal species, tending to the bio-garden and practicing your Spanish (or an other languages you speak) with staff and other volunteers.
You will also have plenty of free time to spend as you please, be it reflecting on what you hav learnt, meditating, playing games with your fellow volunteers or pursuing your own passions and learning new skills.
Volunteering at the MLC is truly a once in a lifetime experience for those who come here, and it can spark a passion for wildlife and conservation that lasts a lifetime. These are just some of the things you can spend your time doing as a volunteer at Crees Manu:
1. You will enjoy many early starts in your time at the MLC.
Whether you are getting up for Colpa, TILT or another wildlife survey, or simply because you want to enjoy a beautiful sunrise at the docks.

2. At Colpa (clay lick) you will monitor and record beautiful species of parakeets, parrots and macaws up close.
With a bit of practice, you will also be able to differentiate similar species from each other and identify them by their calls!

3. Another great place to spot wildlife is in the Machuwasi wetland by the nearby town of Salvacion.
Just a short boat ride from the MLC, you can enjoy a tranquil raft down the river while spotting different bird species.

4. You will have a lot of free time while at the MLC as you rest and recover from being in the field.
Be it playing games, writing or drawing, you can use this opportunity to pursue creative outlets.

5. Participating in surveys and trekking through the jungle will become a huge part of your routine as a volunteer.
Become immersed in nature with your fellow volunteers and staff, learning about the different trails and intricacies of this diverse ecosystem.

6. One of the surveys our volunteers help with in the jungle is butterflies.
You will walk and learn the MLC trails, identify different subspecies of butterfly and gain knowledge an appreciation of these beautiful and important ecological indicators.

7. While you will often be busy in the field at the MLC, the garden is one of the best places to spot wildlife.
An array of reptiles, amphibians, birds and even monkeys can frequently be seen just outside your bedroom door.

8. You’ll learn about safety at the MLC and participate in simulations so you know what to do in emergency situations.
While this is important stuff, it doesn’t mean we can’t still smile and have some fun at the same time. And don't worry, Emma is okay!

9. A staple of life at the MLC is dinner by candlelight.
You will exchange stories from the day, learn more about life in Peru and at the MLC and learn what activities you can look forward to tomorrow.

10. You will have the opportunity to go on night walks and experience the jungle at its most active and wild.
This will give you the best chance to spot rare nocturnal animals like armadillos and owls, as well as a vast array of reptiles and amphibians.

Caring about the colpa: the threat to macaws in Manu Biosphere
April 15, 2015
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Blue Sky Wildlife: new review platform for wildlife ecotours
December 13, 2016
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